1.Time Slip

It was exactly ten years ago. And he never forgot this day. It was the day, the girl who used to be friend had killed in car accident. He started to recall the memories of that day, and he just said, "Oh, my load..." He saw the boy who was walking with the girl. The boy was Kenta of ten years ago, and the girl he had never forgot. Suddenly, Kenta heard car horn. The girl's face was filled with horror. Withought even thinking that he might be killed, he ran in front of the car to protect the girl. Car horn, crushing, and screaming. Kenta didn't feel any pain. He closed his eyes and everything went black right before he crushed on the ground. When he opened his eyes, he was at the hospital. "Was I dreaming?" His head and every single part of the body hurt as he tried to get up. Then he suddenly heard the voice from behind the curtains. "Are you there?" "I'm not gonna believe this..." There was the girl who was killed ten years ago. The girl he wanted to save that day. She was grown up, and looked same age as Kenta. "It wasn't a dream.." "What?" "I just came back from time travel." She was smilling in the sunshine. "Really? Where have you been then?" Well, he saved her life. It was clear that she didn't belive him, so he just smilled to her and said nothing. Kenta was just pleased to be with the girl in the sunshine, smilling to each other.
