
1ca85af1-1714-438f-81aa-ef3ae70665bc Someone stole 4 bags of rice from the warehouse of the headman of a village. Early in the next morning, a residential policeman in the village came for investigation. And the policeman found clear tracks of a cart on the ground after the rain. Perhaps, the tracks were made by the load of the bags. So, the Policeman followed them. 村長さんの所の米倉から、白米を4俵盗んで行ったものがある. あくる朝早く駐在のお巡りさんが来て調べたら、俵を積んで行ったらしい車の輪の跡が、雨上がりの土にハッキリとついていた. その跡をつけて行くと・・・ f0057fc3-ecee-4f0b-ae5e-0b035bf81c18 The cart with the bags was standing under the eaves of a house on the outskirt of a village on the way to the city. A man with a hood was stretching himself on the bench next to the cart and was snoring heavily. ・・・町へ出る途中の、と或る村はずれの一軒屋の軒下に、その米俵を積んだ車が置いてあって、その横の縁台の上に、頬かぶりをした男が大の字になって、グウグウとイビキをかいていた. 35ae4d34-c3ea-4a90-aa31-9db2bee4011b The Policeman arrested him. He was a gambler and nuisance to the vicinity. The gambler was on the way to the city for selling the stolen rice. But he was tired due to the activity after a long interval. And so, he took a rest for a while and overslept in spite of himself. The gambler was tied with a rope and was made to draw the cart. People saw the back of the gambler and sighed. "Evil plans cannot succeed." 引っ捕まえて見るとそれは、その界隈で持てあまし者の、ばくち打ちであった. ばくち打ちは盗んだ米を町へ売りに行く途中、久し振りに体を使ってクタビレたので、チョットのつもりで休んだのが、思わず寝過ごしたのであった. 腰縄を打たれたまま車を引っ張って行く男の、うしろ姿を見送った人々は、溜息して云った. 「悪い事は出来んなあ」 (了) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本『いなか、の、じけん(大きな手がかり)』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:夢野久作 A Picture Book : "Local Cases (An important clue)" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yumeno Kyusaku 参考文献: 夢野久作全集4 1992年9月24日第1刷発行 夢野久作著 ちくま文庫
