What is your scariest thing?

“What is your scariest thing? “ “Foreign soldiers.” “I’d like you to meet foreign soldiers. What kind of soldiers are you scared of?” “It would be strange if they came to me by aircrafts or by warships or in formations. He should act alone.” “It seems Marine Corps would be fine. Specify the specifications.” “If he is African American, I will be scared. So a white man would be fine. If he is tall, I will also be scared, so he should not be tall. But I have to be scared of him, he should have a broad chest, and strong arms.” “You specified me. I like you.” “The talent for a gun will be decided if you can shoot at a first person by the gun when you have the gun first time. If you can shoot at the first person, you will have the talent for the gun. If so, I will praise you. If you can’t shoot at the person, you won’t have the talent for the gun. If so I will kill you. I’d like to know if you have the talent for the gun or not. I will give this gun to you. There is the girl in front of you who is your twin. Shoot at her. If you shoot at her, you will have the talent for the gun, and I will praise you. If you shoot avoid her, I will shoot at you. Now shoot at your twin.” “Is she my twin? If really so we are the same. I will make her shoot at me. If I have the talent for the gun, she will also have the talent for the gun and I will die. If she shoot avoid me, I also won’t have the talent for the gun.” She shot the gun avoid me. “She didn’t shoot at me, I am alive. Why did you make me shoot at her?” “If you don’t shoot at her, you won’t remember you are twins.” “Is it blank shot?” “I don’t do such lenient things. By the way what is your second scariest thing?” “Ghosts.”
