English version


English version

l am Misa 18 years old.I graduated from junior high school.But I can not graduated high hschool.I'm free.I like freedom.If I want go trip tomorrow I can do it.If I want to sleep all day, sleep.I'm not bound by anything. Someone tell me,"You are silly and funny". April first,2024 inTOKYO,cherry blossom blooming follower.Flower petals are dancing. my heart also beating.Spring has come.My darling Hirotaka said me,"I LOVE YOU",but he is not here. He said me"I'm poor",I lent him 30,000 yen.I believe him.He is honestly.For example,He like shopping.He gave me a pair of Tiffany necklaces."This is a sign of our love",he said. My friend told me "he is a liar,be careful! ",I was mad at her.Her name is Aki. I thought she was jealous of my happiness. I don't believe her. But…my darling Hirotaka went missing.I waiting him.I waiting him at Shibuya station long time ago. I look like HACHIKO.HACHIKO is very famous dog.The dog kept waiting for its owner to return.But its the owner died. So I look like HACHIKO.But I don't talk anyone, I can't eat anything,l can't touch anything.I was died April first,2000.If you see him please let me know.Hirotaka is very handsome.It's his picture. "The picture is blurr" Oh sorry, I held onto the picture carefully.It's my treasure.He said me l love you,I wish that lie would become true. (fin, please find him.)
