01. Change The World

Change The World written by Atoda Shoi compose by Atoda Shoi さぁ始めようか最期の晩餐 まさかちょっとビビってるの? ほらやめるなら今のうちだぜ この先非常口封鎖されちゃうぜ? Do you have prepared for changing the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? Do you have prepared for saving the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? It is better if you would rather that children can grow up without knowing your potential Do you have prepared for changing the world? さぁ終わらそうか下らない戦争 自分の可能性否定してる場合か? そんな暇があるならちょっとは 違うことに能力費やせよ loser Do you have prepared for changing the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? Do you have prepared for saving the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? It is better if you would rather that children can grow up without knowing your potential Do you have prepared for changing the world? さぁ始めようか世紀末の革命 ここまで来て今さら逃げる気か? そんな奴はゴミにでもなっちまえ 占いなんかに自分を委ねはしねぇ Do you have prepared for changing the world? Do you have prepared for saving the world? Do you have prepared for changing the world? Do you have prepared for changing the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? Do you have prepared for saving the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? It is better if you would rather that children can grow up without knowing your potential Do you have prepared for changing the world? Do you have prepared for changing the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? Do you have prepared for saving the world? What are you going to say God is good to ask? It is better if you would rather that children can grow up without knowing your potential Do you have prepared for changing the world?

