
Excuse me? Are you taking film class, right? Yes I'm in the class. Me too! Where are you heading? I have a class, so... Do you mind if I ask you to go out after the class? ...mm my boyfriend is waiting for me... Oh you have a boyfriend? From Japan? Mm yes...he's from Japan... Where is your boyfriend waiting for you? I...in front of the class... Can I talk with me for a while? Mmm...... Hey! You are so late! 健人が走って来てあんずをお姫様抱っこする。 あっ Oh is he your boyfriend? Yes! Excuse me! Opus...sorry about that.... 抱っこしたまま、駐車場の方に歩く。 あの、、すいません、ありがとうございました、もう大丈夫です! ... すいません、もう大丈夫です、、 健人は無視して、そのままハイヤーの助手席に乗せる。 勢いよくドアをバタンと閉める。
