English Version Memories of life and being

In other words, the first is called the memory of life, and the second the memory of being. In space, the memories of life and of being revolve around each other, while acting on each other, whereas in the time, they are articulated in a linear way one to the other. The connection of these two memories is linear as well as rotary. A real enigma. Marcel Proust evokes the privileged time when, for example, a certain sensory memory such as the scent of tea acts on the memory of an impressive past linked to that smell, thus confronting the memory of being with the memory of life, before they proudly unify synergistically. To better understand, just imagine the Möbius loop. In this loop, the back and the front are articulated in a linear way without crossing or crossing the borders, although they are of a nature to act on each other, each having its own axis of rotation, which allows them to rotate around each other, just as the moon rotates around the earth that revolves around the sun. It is a universe perfectly identical to our vital universe. The vital universe is embodied in this loop of memory. Simply turn the intrauterine memory upside down and the extrauterine memory upside down or vice versa. These two memories rotate on each other's axis, as they link together in the form of a Möbius loop. This could justify a motivating theory: Life and being rotate on the axis of each other, at the same time as they articulate in a linear way, one to the other, always in continuity with nature and not against nature.

