English Version Memories of life and being

Being part of the human body, the intellectual gift exploits its intellectual fabric and develops its memory of being only in the continuity of nature. The intellectual gift cannot therefore be incompatible with the memory of life. Even if an abstract idea germinates on the side of the memory of being, it must have its counterpart on the side of the memory of life, so that it can revolve around its counterpart that can revolve around itself at the same time, in the axes articulated in the shape of the Möbius loop. If not, it ends up disappearing from the universe of life forever. If an abstract idea germinates on the side of the memory of being, and if this idea does not find its counterpart on the side of the memory of life, it cannot be integrated into the Möbius loop of intra- and extra-uterine memories, so it goes away and disappears outside the vital universe. It would be better to repeat that the abstract idea ends up disappearing outside the vital universe if it does not have its counterpart in the memory of life. Let's imagine a new advanced theory. It says: "Murder for murder's sake is one of the solutions sought by humanism.’ This new theory, probably absurd, even if it is a masterpiece resulting from the good work of intellectual gift, it cannot settle in the Möbius loop of the memories of life and being, because murder for murder's sake is not inscribed in the repertoire of the memory of life. There is therefore no counterpart that can be articulated with this theory. Consequently, it is removed, goes beyond the vital universe and disappears as if it did not exist.

