
e02a0a90-4b4d-4d9e-9ed8-1b570445cbde Long long ago, an Owl was a dye worker. He dyed various wears at the request of many birds. This was his business. むかしむかし、フクロウは染物屋で、多くの鳥に頼まれて、色々の衣装を染めてやるのが商売であったそうです. bf27c17a-a37d-4579-99d7-9b4f53a334e6 In those days, a Raven was always careful about his appearance. And the Raven always flew around in white wear. その頃、カラスは大変なおしゃれで、いつも真白い着物を着て飛び歩いていました. 5e9530e1-0e77-493c-9479-5c454cacebf1 The Raven went to the Owl's dye works. "Please dye my wear with a unique color," the Raven said. そのカラスがフクロウの染め屋へ来て、どうか私の衣装を又とないような色に染めてくれと注文しました. 320e6da0-34db-47c6-bba9-e6b5ea50cf40 At his request, the Owl dyed the wear pitch-black. "This is the uniquest color in the world," the Owl said. The Raven got very angry but he was unable to do anything for it. フクロウは、その注文を引き受けて、真黒々の炭のような色に染め、これが世界に又とない色だと言いました. カラスは非常に腹を立てましたけれども、もうどうすることも出来ませんでした. 38195f25-9b84-4541-a1c3-b03adf35097a But the Raven still holds the grudge and bullies the Owl angrily. それでも、その怨みを忘れないで、フクロウの顔さえ見れば怒っていじめます. 7a20e2d1-bc21-4391-9a58-52d515dd59ff So, the Owl hides in the heart of a woods and never come out while the Raven awakes. If the Owl is found by the Raven, the Owl has to have hard time. (Rikuchu Province Iwate County) それ故に、フクロウは今でも森の奥に隠れて、カラスの起きている間は決して外へ出て来ぬばかりでなく、たまにいる所をカラスに見つかると、ひどい目に遭うのであります. (陸中岩手郡) ―― あとがき ―― 昔話絵本『梟染め屋』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "An Owl's Dye Works" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio

