


4a226f21-22f1-4cd9-a13a-384f4df8866d This is an iron foundry. The day is breaking gravely. It's a frost morning. 厳かに明るくなって行く鉄工場の霜朝である. 45e313d2-13e1-4c65-bdb1-8d5c36655e47 A huge melting pot has been heated with cokes for a few days. The pot has mellowed in the dim part of the foundry like the setting sun. It's such a time. 2,3日前からコークスを焚き続けた大ルツボが、鋳物工場の薄暗がりの中で、夕日のように熟し切っている時刻である. aa9b4dae-983c-4bdd-be75-679f0b49782a In yellow light, the pressure gauge of the steam boiler is silently continuing a shudder so as to exceed 14MPa. It's such a minute. 黄色い電燈の下で、ボイラーの圧力計指針が、200ポンドを突破すべく、無言の戦慄を続けている数分間である. 665a42cd-8380-44bc-9d97-9b20da42a99d The black sooty foundry is entirely covered with silence of 300 meters below ground. It's such a moment. ... The silent moment is suggesting an unforeseeable ominous feeling ... This foundry might burst ... 真黒く煤けた工場の全体に、地下千尺の静けさが感じられる一刹那である. ・・・そのシンカンとした一刹那が暗示する、測り知れない、ある不吉な予感・・・この工場が破裂してしまいそうな・・・ 1f9d27e1-94b8-455a-8325-fb76426ddfd4 I calmly unfolded my arms and folded them again. 私は悠々と腕を組み直した. f6c3ac2a-8e27-415e-a476-49380504d360 I was sneering at the feeling for such an extraordinary and unimagenable event from the bottom of my heart. I looked up at the skylight in the high ceiling. そんな途方もない、想像の及ばない出来事に対する予感を、心の奥底で冷笑しつつ、高い天井のアカリ取り窓を仰いだ. b984f134-6f7e-4049-a3d0-b7e5fe3f025d I saw the chimney emitting black smoke obliquely toward the azure sky. そこから斜めに、青空はるかに黒煙を吐き出す煙突を見上げた. ba21dde7-cd7c-4f71-8f87-80f9b3d99308 One side of the oblique chimney was clearly shining in the olive morning sun. I felt dizzy under an illusion that the chimney would come down on my head. I shook my head emphatically. その斜めに傾いた煙突の半面が、朝日のオリーブ色をクッキリと輝かしながら、今にも頭の上に倒れかかって来るような錯覚の目まいを感じつつ、頭を強く左右に振った. 528512f5-0682-4e22-9a44-c840d7907e2a Because of my father's sudden death, I succeeded to this foundry. I just graduated from college and had no practical experiences. 私は、私の父親が頓死をしたために、まだ学士になったばかりの無経験のまま、この工場を受け継がせられた. 1b84e497-53cb-4e1c-8194-0aa5888d3496 ... I was just now brought here in order to supervise the daily operations. This was the first time in my life. I was predicting insults and abuse against this young new master from the workers ... ・・・そうしてタッタ今、生まれて初めての実地作業を指揮すべく、引っ張り出されたのである. 若い、新米の主人に対する職工たちの侮辱と、冷罵とを予期させられつつ・・・
