


4cad7cff-8874-4c52-b081-3474bef0438c I had to control all of them. And I had to scorn all of iron, blood, flesh and soul. And I had to make them battle and curse each other like chips ... Further, I had to newly create great and cynical cast iron ... That was my father's desire. ... At the same time, I had to smile at that with satisfaction, probably ... "Well! I can do! That's a kind of children's play ..." しかも、それ等の一切を支配して、鉄も、血も、肉も、霊魂も、残らず蔑視して、木ッ葉の如く相闘わせ、相呪わせる・・・ そうして更に新しく、偉大な鉄の冷笑を創造させる・・・ それが私の父の遺志であった. ・・・と同時に私が微笑すべき満足ではなかったか・・・ 「ナアニ.やって見せる.児戯に類する仕事だ・・・」 a3e03eaa-6a80-4574-b064-f48e54793e2d I started walking with my arms folded leisurely. I was wondering how many lives would fall victim to iron ... I was training my ears for the shouts and roars of the whole foundry with ridiculous solemnity ... I was walking and smiling at my extremely cruel imagination with my glory ... 私は腕を組んだまま悠々と歩き出した. まだまだ、これから、どれ位の生霊を、鉄の餌食に投げ出すか知れないと思いつつ・・・ 馬鹿馬鹿しいくらい荘厳な全工場の叫喚、大叫喚を耳に慣れさせつつ・・・ 残虐を極めた空想を微笑させつつ運んで行く、私の得意の最高潮・・・ dd2ae578-58b9-43c2-9afe-ead5aec7bf78 "Wow! Mas ... Mas ... Master!" A shout near to a cry was given behind me. "... Someone has been killed again, or ..." On the instant, I concentrated. 「ウワッ.タタ大将オッ」 という悲鳴に近い絶叫が私の背後に起った. 「・・・また誰か、やられたか・・・」 と私は瞬間に神経を冴えかえらせた. 590cdf73-c68c-4f8d-b109-9f460891e1d2 I turned around slowly. The melting pot in solar-color was swinging and coming near my nose. The crane was lifting the pot emitting brilliant white sparks over the surrounding area. It would burn everything that it touched ... そうしておもむろに振り返った私の鼻の先へ、クレーンに吊られた太陽色の大坩堝が、白い火花を一面に散りばめながらキラキラと揺らめき迫っていた. 触れるもののすべてを燃やすべく・・・ f13936b6-5ea6-4176-9bcb-530f318c5a15 I was dazzled. I trampled a mold of pump and jumped away. 私は目が眩んだ. ポンプの鋳型を踏み砕いて飛び退いた. 6ed5e098-85c4-42b7-be46-4dbbe911b4d0 I collided with a door of the woodworker's shop and stopped. I felt that my heart was gathering the blood of my whole body. 全身の血を心臓に集中さしたまま木工場の扉に衝突して立ち止まった. a99a1f10-8931-47de-922d-361f69425746 Several molders came running to me. They were bowing repeatedly and excused themselves for their mistake. 私の前に五、六人の鋳物工が駆け寄って来た. ピョコピョコと頭を下げつつ不注意を詫びた. 01d8f7a0-85b6-4e42-b0b8-33a2c015314e I was looking about their faces with my mouth wide open. その顔を見廻しながら私はポカンと口を開いていた. 5a661dad-a25f-4eef-b640-2ada6f715100 ... The slight burns on my forehead, cheek and nose were smarting from a cold air ... I could heard everyone jeering at me as the sound of the whole foundry ... "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" "Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!" "Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!" "Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!" "Hoo-ha! Hoo-ha!" "Haw-haw! Haw-haw!" "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" "... It serves you right! ..." ・・・額と、頬と、鼻の頭に受けた軽い火傷に、冷たい空気がヒリヒリと沁みるのを感じていた・・・ そうして工場全体の物音が一つ一つに嘲笑しているのを聴いていた・・・ 「エヘヘヘヘヘヘヘヘ」 「オホホホホホホホホ」 「イヒヒヒヒヒヒヒヒ」 「ハハハハハハハハハ」 「フフフフフフフフフ」 「ゲラゲラゲラゲラゲラ」 「ガラガラガラガラガラ」 「ゴロゴロゴロゴロゴロ」 「・・・ザマア見やがれ・・・」 (了) ―― あとがき ―― 文芸絵本『怪夢(工場)』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:夢野久作 A Picture Book : "Nightmare (A foundry)" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author: Yumeno Kyusaku 夢野久作の掌編小説を翻訳し、絵本にしました. 日本語文は現代語表記に変更しました. 参考文献:夢野久作全集3(1992年8月24日第1刷発行 夢野久作著 ちくま文庫)

