


639077c5-35c6-4afb-9742-778e37a0574b Long long ago, a Man was working in a field of a hill alone. 昔々、或る村の爺が独りで山畑に出て働いていました. be414d64-63ef-4214-8c9a-be8e6d2b7b27 The field was very large. So, he was laboring with difficulties. 畑が広くて余りにも骨が折れるので・・・ a66069b1-592e-49ba-8145-44122ac317fa "Ah! I wish that someone helped me! Even if he is a monkey, I will marry off one of my three daughters," he said. あぁぁぁ猿でも好いから来て助けてくれるなら、3人ある娘のひとりは嫁にやるがなぁ、と言いました. e1d9ba24-3afc-480e-9a80-3b48d94f39ef Then, a Monkey appeared unexpectedly. そうすると猿が1匹ひょっくり出て来まして・・・ 053be08a-8068-4e64-aed5-7b5ed785fc67 And, the Monkey helped him with the field work diligently. ・・・せっせと畑仕事を手伝ってくれました. 20c557ad-967e-4987-813a-da7d3d3f311b The Man thought, "Oh, dear! I've made a rash promise." こいつは困った約束をしたわい、と思って・・・ 73180065-8562-4960-9d78-43f865a76ded He came back to home. ・・・家に帰って来て・・・ 3db001af-009c-4fac-b373-e9010d757d30 And, he talked with his three daughters. ・・・3人の娘と相談をすると・・・ 965691c1-46e1-44dd-9cad-f5d5957d8b85 Each of the older daughters said, "I can't marry a monkey." And, they got angry. ・・・姉も2番目の娘も、猿のお嫁には行かれません、と言って怒りました. 58b1656d-2ac8-4786-9f07-a36838eb8d49 Only the youngest daughter was obedient. "Because Father made the promise, we can't break it. I will marry him. I want a pot for my trousseau. And, please put a lot of needles in the pot!" she said. 末の娘だけが優しい女で、お父さんが約束をなさったのなら是非が無いから私が行きましょう. 嫁入りの支度には甕をひとつ. その中へ縫い針を沢山に入れて下さい、と言いました.
