
d5a992a8-a4e8-4e7d-8229-61823f904ff2 Long long ago, at a rainy evening, an old man and an old woman couldn't get to sleep and were chatting. むかし、雨の降る晩に、爺と婆とが眠る事が出来ないで、二人で話をしていました. 9958116a-41da-4823-b931-11a79ebbf21c They said "Leaking of the old roof is more fearful than Tiger-Wolf." 虎狼よりも怖いのは古屋の漏りだと言っておりました. a2447eff-06f8-4cca-acaa-f5b3096185a9 Then, the beast Tiger-Wolf was just about to pass the front of their house. And the beast overheard their talk. それを表を通っていた虎狼という獣が立ち聞きして・・・ 01c6d601-0bcb-499e-9a79-7ffa0f36cca8 Tiger-Wolf thought "A monster lives somewhere in the world. His name is Lee King. He seems to be more fearful than me. Oh, I must be careful of him!" ・・・それではこの世の中には、俺よりもまだ恐ろしいモリと云うのがあると見える、これは油断がならぬと思っていると・・・ 662006f5-e570-4a7c-bda9-1fcbab9028e8 Just at that time, a Horse-Thief came to steal a horse of this house. But the Horse-Thief mistakenly rode Tiger-Wolf. ちょうど、この家に入ろうとした馬盗人が、馬かとおもって虎狼の背中に乗りました. fb81c3e7-c76b-4d73-96b4-3d815f0a8480 Then, Tiger-Wolf thought himself to be caught by Lee King of the old roof. Tiger-Wolf broke into a run. The Horse-Thief fell off and fell into a dry well by the roadside. これはたまらぬ、古屋のモリに捕まえられたと、虎狼は一目散に飛んで走りましたので、馬盗人は振るい落とされて、路傍の空井戸の中に落ちました. fa7a4bab-1b10-4ccf-b399-da08509d4650 Then, a Monkey came and asked "What's happening?" Tiger-Wolf answered "Just now, Lee King hid in this well. He is a monster!" そこへ猿がやって来て、何しているかと尋ねますと、今この穴の中に古屋のモリと云う化け物が隠れたと、虎狼が答えました. cc220bc2-af02-4d4c-9af7-f24d377d878b "I never heard of such a monster. Hey, I shall check it!" said the Monkey. The Monkey was a busybody. And, it entered its tail into the well and cheched it. The Horse-Thief in the bottom of the well grasped the tail firmly. そんな化け物はないだろう. おれが検査してやろうと言って、出過ぎ者の猿は、尻尾を空井戸の中へ差し込んで探りました. 穴の底の馬盗人がそれをしっかりと、つかみました. fd1b8d49-da3c-41a6-bbae-10fa720d5f30 The Monkey pulled back its tail surprisedly and strongly. Then, its tail broke near its buttocks. Some people say this is the reason for the present length of monkey tails. (Higo province Aso county) 猿もびっくりして強く尻尾を引こうとすると、根元からプツリと切れて仕舞いました. 猿の尻尾の短くなったのは、又この時からだという説もあります. (肥後阿蘇郡) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本『古屋の漏り』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "Leaking of the Old Roof" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio 参考文献: 日本の昔話(2005年10月25日36刷 柳田国男著 新潮文庫)
