


3012edc6-5c7d-48fc-a483-642e32360f26 Once upon a time in Shinshu province, there lived a young sharecropper, who took a good care of his parent. His name was Yamurano Yasuke. He was an honest and hardworking man. But, his family was in poverty. むかし信州に矢村の弥助という親孝行の若い農民がありました. 正直で良く働いて、それでいて家は貧乏でありました. ca175b0a-6e23-4efe-b775-b171c6ce4316 At the end of a certain year, he went shopping to the year-end market for the new year's preparation, having a bit of money. ある年の暮れに、わずかな銭を持って正月支度の買い物に暮れの市へ・・・ f2569ef9-8f1f-41a3-88b9-f178743f6434 On the way to the market, he came across a pheasant at the roadside. The pheasant was caught in a trap and was flapping ・・・出かける途で、道端のワナに一羽の山鳥がかかってパタパタとしているのを見かけました. dc24894d-7289-402d-8280-b9e9eec5638b He thought that he would save it. He loosened the string of the trap and released the pheasant. これは一つ助けてやろうと、罠の糸をゆるめて山鳥を逃がしましたが・・・ 322af36d-32fc-4c7f-a39b-16458a3485e4 He was sorry that he released the pheasant with nothing to the owner of the trap. And so, instead of the pheasant, he put the rope of holed coins carried in his hand on the trap. ・・・ただ逃がしては罠の主に済まぬと思って、手に持っていた一さしの銭を、山鳥の代わりにその跡へ挟んで置いて・・・ 4f6bfc66-a12d-4e2f-a404-9fdea7ca4179 He retruned back empty-handed because he didn't need to go shopping anymore. ・・・もう買い物の用がなくなったから、手を空にして戻って来ました. e4dca385-fce3-4019-8f34-5ae08ab2e5c3 His mother was also kindhearted and said "You did a right thing." The mother and the son spent a new year holidays with nothing. 家の母親も心の優しい人で、それは好い事をして来たと言って、親子二人で何もない寂しい正月をしました. ebb17849-9c7d-46f1-90b4-9567051a6470 After that, a strange young woman visited them. "I'm a traveler and I have trouble in snowing. Please let me stay here until next spring! I'll do any work," she said. そこへ見なれない若い娘が一人訪ねて来ます. 私は旅の者、雪に降られて難儀をします. 何でもしますから春になるまで置いて下さいと言って・・・ 2b2ab72f-c6e1-4983-b3a0-66d536c7b148 She did a lot of the household matters for the old woman. She was very obedient and pretty. His mother had a talk with her. "You seem to have no parents nor relatives. Would you live in this house and become my son's wife?" Then, she delightedly agreed with this offer and became his wife. ・・・お婆さんの代わりに色々の家の用をしてくれました. 至ってオトナシイきれいな娘でありました. 親も身寄りもない人ならば、イッソこの家にいて嫁になってくれぬかと、弥助の母親が相談をかけて見ましたら、喜んで承知をして嫁になりました. 7a0c160e-c55d-4efc-908e-c2c861418a73 After that, they lived together happily for several years. それから何年か仲良く暮らしているうちに・・・
