


af894588-d1ab-4a13-9fcc-59aabf593ae6 In those days, a demonic monster often appeared at Mt. Ariakeyama. ・・・有明山に悪い鬼が現れて・・・ 4fad844f-d537-42b4-9ac6-14b71b764c56 The government commanded General Tamura to destroy the monster. Mr. Yamurano Yasuke was an expert in using a bow. So, he had to go with General Tamura for destroying the monster. ・・・田村将軍が朝廷の仰せを蒙り、それを退治に行くことになりました. 矢村の弥助は弓が上手だから、田村将軍のお供をして鬼征伐に出なければなりません. 061ae5ff-a906-4738-b9c8-c5bea445d47e Then, his wife secretly called him and told like this: The monster of Mt. Ariakeyama is called Gysyky. Nobody can shoot it to death with a normal bow and arrows. You should fix pheasant's tail feathers having thirteen knots to an arrow. If you shoot the arrow, you can destroy the monster with only a single arrow. Because of the greatest matter in your life, I'll give the feathers to you. Several years ago, I was caught in a trap at the year-end. And I was saved by you. I'm the pheasant. その時に弥助の女房がソット弥助を呼んで、こう言う事を申しました. 有明山の鬼は魏死鬼と云って、ただの弓矢ではトテモ射倒す事が出来ません. 十三の節ある山鳥の尾羽根を矢に矧いで、その矢で射るならば一矢でも退治する事が出来ます. 一世一代の男の大事だから、その羽根を私が上げましょう. 私はズット昔の年の暮れに罠にかかって、あなたに命を助けられた山鳥ですと言って・・・ fb1e9bf4-7706-4ae2-a2e6-f7e274a37db4 And she flew away somewhere with tears. ・・・泣きながら何処へか飛んで行きました. 3d23638a-860b-46ff-adf2-268cf8347180 Beautiful pheasant's tail feathers having thirteen knots were left. 後には十三節の見事な山鳥の尾羽根が残してありました. fbfbd86a-cc1a-48a1-ab13-7b97f0976ef9 So, the monster of Mt. Ariakeyama was destroyed. それだから、有明山の鬼が退治せられて・・・ 40dd14f2-2269-44a6-80b7-8ad847d38d23 Then, the Japan Alps became a peaceful mountain. This was truly Yamurano Yasuke's achievement. Yasuke was given plenty of rewards for the achievement. And, his fame was remembered in the mountainous region of Shinshu province for a long time. (Shinano province Minamiazumigun county) ・・・日本アルプスが明るい山になったのも、全く、この矢村の弥助の手柄であります. 弥助は、その手柄によって莫大な御褒美を頂き永く信州の山奥に其の名を留めました. (信濃南安曇郡) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本『矢村の弥助』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "Mr. Yamurano Yasuke" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio 参考文献: 日本の昔話(2005年10月25日36刷 柳田国男著 新潮文庫)
