
01465ec5-6a3e-4a00-b7df-a10bfd8993a2 Long long ago, at a village among hills, an Old Man was working in a field on the other side of a river. 昔ある山家の村で、爺が川の向こうの山畑に働いていました. f6517cc5-dfad-425c-838f-56d603ede083 Another Old Man on this side of the river asked "Hey you! What are you seeding today?" 川の此方の爺が声をかけて、おい今日は何を蒔くかと訊きますと、・・・ 2e98c641-f95f-4a7d-b5d6-a490a166953a That Old Man answered with beckoning. 返事はせずに小手招きをしました. 1400a169-ad51-436d-bdda-00447c8a6a9a This Old Man crossed the river, went up to that Old Man, and asked "What are you doing?" 川を渡って、その傍まで行って、どうしたのかと云うと、・・・ 87929fb5-7ba1-4989-b103-da86030d6878 That Old Man whispered "I'm seeding soybeans." その耳に口を寄せて、俺は大豆を蒔いている. 8b8ea5be-0465-4606-8d01-1c5a7bb3f5fa This Old Man said "Why is that a secret?" 豆をまくのが、どういう訳で内緒事だ. 4adb0922-684d-4f76-bccd-7b119d6cd6f1 That Old Man said "Because troubles will happen if doves hear our talk." (Kozuke Province Agatsuma County) それでも鳩に聴かれると大変だから. (上野吾妻郡) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本『鳩の立ち聴き』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "Doves are eavesdropping on them" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio 参考文献: 日本の昔話(2005年10月25日36刷 柳田国男著 新潮文庫)
