
a50d5ee0-98da-4be1-8443-293c3691dc7e Once upon a time at Seryo village in Osugidani area of Kaga province, there lived a very strong man. He was called Kinai. And his name reaced the faraway countries. むかし、加賀の大杉谷の瀬領という村には、喜内という力の強い人があったそうです. その評判が遠い国々まで響いたので・・・ 136f3e35-6118-44b9-9664-0eb2061bb32e So, a Brave Man came all the way to compete for strength. ある勇士が、わざわざ力競べに来ました. 3ef4bed2-038b-45ac-923c-3d21fa1f37a9 At that time, Kinai was just working for the preparation of planting at a rice field by the roadside. その時、喜内はちょうど路傍の田んぼに出て田植えごしらえをしていましたが・・・ e6597c12-29fb-48f2-ae42-1450fcc81288 The Brave Man stopped and asked to him. "Tell me where Kinai's house is!" その武士が立ち寄って、喜内の家は何処だと尋ねました. f51f9088-3599-4729-a31f-8afbd2370bbb Kinai sensed this man had come to compete for strength. So, Kinai grasped the beam of the plow in a single hand, lifted the plow with the horse, and pointed toward his house by them. And he said "It is that." 早くも力くらべに来たものと知って、喜内は片手に唐鋤の横木を持って、そのさきに馬のくっついたまま、それを引き上げて、あれあの屋敷ですと、馬と唐鋤とで指して教えたそうです. 7d3dd2eb-8b9f-4c8d-a876-8a7f17c87c1f The Brave Man was surprised at his power. And the Brave Man said "Well, you are Kinai, aren't you?!" Kinai answered "No! I'm one of his servants." 武士は、その大力に仰天して、さてはお前が喜内であろうと言いますと、いやいや私は喜内の家の下男ですと答えました. 25d60024-7021-4484-9091-0c2b68ab666f The Brave Man said "Even his servant can point in direction by the horse and the plow like this. I can't imagine the strength of the master." The Brave Man lost his courage for competing and ran away. That's all. Thank you! (Kaga Province Nomi county) 下男でさえもこの通り、馬の付いた唐鋤で道を教えた. ましてや、その主人はどのくらい強いか分からぬと言って、もう力を比べる勇気も無くなって、すたこらと逃げて帰ったと云う話であります. (加賀能美郡) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本『藤抜き喜内』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "Mr. Fujinuki Kinai" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio 『藤抜き』について: 地名の『藤ノ木』が転訛したものではないかと思っております. 参考文献: 日本の昔話(2005年10月25日36刷 柳田国男著 新潮文庫)
