


18619956-f905-4f05-abf6-6b4546b79aa1 In order to see what was happening, he got ready for work and went outside. Then, he climbed onto the ceiling and hid himself. And, he was peeping. ・・・一度様子を見るつもりで、仕事に行く支度をして家を出かけ、そっと天井に上って隠れて覗いておりました. 777e5e84-f112-4e05-bc95-666a2bc5b2ca Soon, the wife put a huge saucepan on the kitchen stove. Taking a measurement of rice, she took a mass of white rice out of a sack. And, she washed the rice quickly and began to cook it. Moreover, she fetched plenty of bean paste from the storeroom. And, she made bean paste soup in a large pot to the brim. Furhter, she ladled the soup into a pail. そうすると女房は、やがてカマドに大きな釜をかけて、俵からドッサリ白米を量り出して、さくさくと洗って飯を炊き始めました. それから物置から、うんと味噌を持って来て大鍋にいっぱい味噌汁を沸かして、それをヒシャクで桶の中に汲み込みました. 9dda6e66-7b4e-4cee-adf4-75b34726d61d Furthermore, she took a wooden shutter off and put it on the entrance of the kitchen. Then, she made big rice balls of cooked rice one and another. And, she placed the rice balls on the shutter. その次には戸板を一枚はずして来て台所の上り口に敷き、煮えた米の飯を片端から、大きな握飯にこしらえて、その上へ並べました. b641460a-07f1-4485-8f81-0b853635254a And then, she undid her hair. There appeared another big mouth in the center of her head. そうして置いてから、今度は髪をばらばらに解きますと、頭の真中に別に大きな口がひとつありました. 42c1ea2e-6b34-4eef-9289-28e234b91673 She tossed the rice balls one by one into that mouth. Using a ladle, she poured bean paste soup into there. その口の中へ握飯をひとつずつ放り込み、杓で一杯ずつ味噌汁を流し込んで・・・ 01164aac-2df3-4db4-bce1-fbfa88cf3e94 While he was watching, she finished up the soup and the rice. ・・・見ているうちに汁も飯も、残らず食べてしまいました. ca073e2d-e1c0-4757-9946-ea14a4f7bcd6 After that, she did her hair neatly again. Then, she returned to the good wife. そうした後で頭の髪をちゃんと結び直すと、元の通りのよさそうな女房になりました. c164b8eb-156e-406c-b5de-6d92fb9637b5 This woman was an Ogress. He thought that he had married the terrible woman and that he should throw her out of his house as soon as possible. He daubed soil on his sandals. And, pretending not to notice, he came back at the evening. この女は山母であった. こいつは飛んでもない嬶をもらってしまった.なんでも早く追い出さなけりゃならぬと思って、知らぬ顔をして夕方に、草鞋に土を付けて帰ってきました. 5c494067-b725-4ae1-a09e-1cebf3a24f96 "Even though you never eat, you're not cut out for housewife. I'll give you anything you like. So, please leave me!" he said. "All right! I'll leave you. So, please make a huge pail for me!" she said. いくら飯は食わなくとも、おまえは家の嬶には向かない. なんでも遣るからどうか往ってくれと言いますと、それでは往きますから、どうか大きな桶をひとつ、こしらえて下さいと申しました.
