
79ef2c21-cddc-4295-8e74-1744ce9f987c Long long ago, Mr. Say-tho went hiking to a hill together with his friends. むかしむかし、清蔵は友達と共に山へ遊びに行きましたところが・・・ 0d1814ec-07a5-448a-8c64-7e9d9e81c697 A hare was soundly taking a nap in weeds. ・・・草の中に兎が1匹ぐっすりと昼寝をしていました. 4282c5b3-0181-4a03-a58d-3c035d395af9 "Ah! There is a dead hare in this place," said one of his friends. ああこんな所に兎が死んでいると、連れの者の一人が言いますと・・・ ee7c5659-7bcf-46bd-b7fe-42d741d56d0b Mr. Say-tho immediately pinched his nose and said, "No wonder the air has been filled with the awful smell." ・・・清蔵は早速、鼻をつまんで、道理で先程からえらく臭いと思っていたと言いました. 58c6d2d3-4cfd-4e1d-a07a-ce4bcf7bd735 Soon, the hare was woken by their voices and ran away surprisedly. そのうちに兎が人の声に目を覚まして驚いて走って行ったので・・・ e2c8174a-716d-4e39-b618-9067427c6c9d "Oh! It was only taking a nap," the friend said amazedly. ・・・なんだ昼寝をしていたのかと、その友達がびっくりしますと・・・ 88103bd8-a34a-4a6c-9826-40303acddab6 Mr. Say-tho also said, "I didn't know why. I noticed that its ears were moving though." Since then, people have used the comparison "It is like a hare of Mr. Say-tho" for a made-up story. ・・・また清蔵が口を出して、だから俺も何だか耳が動くようだと思っていたのだと言いました. それからこの方、いい加減なことを言う人を、清蔵さんの兎のようだと、たとえ言にいうようになりました. (了) ―― 奥付 ―― 昔話絵本『清蔵の兎』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "A hare of Mr. Say-tho" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio
