


587e9a3d-19e1-4df3-974b-3a23b6253e62 Meanwhile, his fake mother got extremely angry at them. And she hanged herself. Her body was found yesterday's morning. 一方に西村の贋はは親は、憤慨の余り縊死していることが昨朝に至って発見されたので・・・ 55996b79-d71d-4e69-935d-bc8015ac14e1 Immediately, the officials in charge hurried to the scene. They conducted an inspection. And, it was declared not to be murder. But, at the same time, it was found that such a case was not rare. According to the beggars around there, this kind of perverted relationship is common in their behavoir. So, the officials couldn't stop smiling bitterly. ... etc ... 早速係官が出張して取調の結果、他殺の疑いはないことになった. しかし、同時に、付近の乞食連中の言に依って、この種の変態的関係は、彼等仲間の通有的茶飯事で、決して珍らしい事ではないと判明したので、係官も苦笑に堪えず・・・云々・・・ 3d51a497-3382-4981-af77-f1cde134f0b9 "By the way, Perversion... Pervert... Perverted... What do these words mean?" "I don't know!" resignatedly said the old retiree of the household goods store, who was surrounded by many people. 「・・・ところでこの、ヘンタイ、セイヨクの、何とかチウのは、何じゃろか・・・」 「おらにもわからんがナ」と荒物屋の隠居は、大勢に取り巻かれながら、投げ出すように云った. 76fcbc37-20d8-48a4-a40f-99a2ead7da0a These days, for a case of unknown cause, the newspaper easily says "Perversion" or something like that. Anyway, I think that Private Westmoreland was a good son. But, he was deceived by the woman with a bad personality. Then, he deserted his sick mother. But, the heartless beggars in her neighborhood hated to take care of her. So, the beggars found fault with what she did. And, they forced her to hang herself. This is my guess. What do you think about it? 「近頃の新聞はチットでも訳のわからんことがあると、すぐに、ヘンタイ何とかチウで書きおるでナ.おらが思うに西村さんは、やっぱり親孝行者じゃったのよ.それが性の悪い女に騙されて、大病人の母親を見すてたので、義理も恩もしらぬ近所隣の乞食めらが、あとの世話を面倒がって、何とかかんとかケチをつけて、無理往生に首を縊らせたのじゃないかと思うがナ・・・ドウジャエ・・・」 d80155b1-7831-411d-ba0f-4e0af15dbbd9 Everybody got quiet at once. 皆一時にシンとなった. (了) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本『いなか、の、じけん(模範兵士)』 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:夢野久作 A Picture Book : "Local Cases (A Model Soldier)" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yumeno Kyusaku

