


adc7a482-1595-4199-a607-b1b5644ab3bb The people could hardly wait for the next morning. They gathered at the household goods store. ・・・あくる朝を待ちかねて人々が、荒物屋に集まってみると・・・ 9e900d38-2c7b-4630-9e39-18bc973daeb2 Just as they expected, the details of the incident appeared in the newspaper under the headline "The true nature of the model soldier". ・・・果して、事件の真相が詳しく新聞に出ていた. 「模範兵士の化けの皮」という大きな表題で・・・ 4389682c-1171-491c-811f-d00894b6994b An examination for the personality of Private Westmoreland was carried out. The result showed that he was a kind of idiot although he looked obedient. And it also showed that he had an extremely addictive personality for sexual perversion. That is to say, the woman who was called "his mother" was actually his mistress. He has been in a sexual relationship with her since his childhood. ・・・西村二等卒の性行を調査の結果、表面温順に見える一種の白痴で、且つ、甚だしい変態性欲の耽溺者であることがわかった. すなわち、その母親として仕えていたのは、実は子供の時から可愛がられていた情婦に過ぎないのであったが・・・ 4eb74778-c6db-409c-8776-2a82904ec861 Recently, a famous pickpocket read the article about the Model Soldier in the newspaper. Her nickname is "Gem" and she is also a sexual pervert. ・・・最近に至って有名な箱師のお玉という、これも変態的な素質を持った毒婦が、模範兵士の新聞記事を見て・・・ a821c2c4-4807-44c4-9fdd-db8c58cf6870 Gem sent a long emotional letter to the regimental commander. Her real name and adress were boldly written on the envelope. And, a money order for 50 dollars was enclosed in it. 大胆にも原籍本名を明記した封筒に、長々しい感激の手紙と、50円也の為替を入れて連隊長宛てに送って来た. 29a05be4-546e-4080-902a-88abbab31c8e The police authorities obtained this information from our newspaper. And, they were investigating her whereabouts in strict secrecy. これを本紙の記事によって知った警察当局では、極秘裡に彼女の所在を厳探中であったが・・・ 4974883a-d3a1-43ae-82b1-03720b911fb2 But, Gem was just bold. It seemed that she had slipped through their investigation and had had a relationship with Private Westmoreland. She completely charmed him. ・・・あくまでも大胆不敵なお玉は、その中を潜って西村と関係を結んだらしく、すっかり西村を丸め込んでしまった揚句・・・ 991065ed-09e4-4947-b48b-237fce6dac24 Last Sunday morning, they went by car to ridicule his fake mother. But, Private Westmoreland didn't returned to his regiment. It seems that he changed his wear at a hotel in front of the station and deserted with Gem. ・・・二人で自動車に同乗して、贋の母親を嘲弄しに行ったのが一昨日曜の午前中の事であったという. ところが西村はそのまま、隊へは帰らずに、駅前の旅館で服装を改めて、お玉と一緒に逃亡した模様である.

