


f0f5eb9f-3607-418f-b5b6-7ef476db71bc いよいよその二十八日になって、爺は約束だから朝のうちに野原に来て見ますと、美しい娘が出て待っていました. それから連れだって野の隣の村に入って行きました. 娘の家と云うのは大きな構えの屋敷で、村の人が大勢今日の法事の為に寄り合っておりました. 俺にはとてもこの中へは入れないと爺が言うと、それなら私の着物に取り付いて入れば良いと言って、二人とも誰にも見つけられず、するすると家の中に入って・・・ The 28th day came. The Old Man came to the field in the morning because of a promise. The pretty Girl was waiting for him. And then, they went into a village adjacent to the field. The Girl's house was a luxurious mansion. And many village people gathered for the memorial service. "I can't go into this huge house," the Old Man said. "Well, no problem. You can go into this house if you cling to my clothes," the Girl said. The both entered the house stealthily and secretly. c55023c9-fc4f-4784-80f2-edaab021fa50 ・・・仏壇の間に坐りました. 座敷には本膳が出てお吸い物も酒もありました. 好きな酒ですから娘が勧めるままに、爺様は酒を飲み好きな肴を色々と取って食べました. 座敷にいる坊様や親類の客人は、知らぬうちに自分の膳の物も酒もなくなるので、不思議だと話しあっておりました. And they sat on the floor in the Buddhist altar room. The main dishes had already been served with soup and wine. The Old Man was a drinker by nature. And the Girl offered him drinks. So, he drank wine and ate side dishes. There were a Buddhist priest and her relatives in the room. And their dishes and wine disappeared without being noticed. Then, they told with themselves about that. "That's mysterious." ea6b2c13-54a8-443c-b2a5-eb525f35e5a3 そのうちにお膳を下げる段になって、一人の小さな女中が皿を落として欠きました. 家の主は大事の皿を飛んでもない事をしたと、ひどく小言をいいました. After a while, a young maid came for removing the empty dishes. She dropped a dish and it broke. The head of the family scolded the maid for breaking the important dish. 63bc4191-15c1-452a-b166-e147c457e354 幽霊の娘はそれを見て、爺様に向かってささやきました. 私はああいう所を見るのがいやだから、もう帰りますと言いました. 爺はそんなら俺も行くと言うと、お前さんはまあいいからここにいて下さいと言って、独りで何処かへ行ってしまいました. The ghost Girl saw the scene and whispered to the Old Man. "I don't like seeing this scene. So, I'll go back." "Me too!" the Old Man said. But she said, "No. No. Please stay here!" And she left alone somewhere. fffb9fc3-0936-4383-a119-7f3f39e7e258 娘が出て行ってしまうと、直ぐに爺様の姿が皆に見えて来ました. お前は何者だ.どこから来たか、どうしてこの座敷へ来ていたかと尋ねられました. もう隠すことは出来ないので、今までの事を残らず話して聞かせますと、親類一同の者はびっくりし、主人夫婦は泣きました. それでは早速娘のいる野原へ、私たちを案内してください.拝む頼むと言われました. After she went out, imeadately the Old Man appeared to the people. They asked questions to him. "Who are you?" "Where are you from?" "How did you enter this room?" The Old Man couldn't hid the fact anymore. So, he told all to them. The relatives were amazed at his talk. And the head of the family and his wife wept. They said, "Please take us to the field where our daughter stays! Right away!" b12aec05-0c48-4cdf-9d6a-09d4dc0b4a5d それで爺が先に立ち、親たち一族寺の和尚までが打ち揃うて、骨を迎えに行って、もう一度葬式を営みました. And then, the Old Man led her parents, her relatives and the Buddhist priest. They went for the skelton and performed her funeral service again. 460be81f-c5a9-45b2-8480-02a0be6bcf97 爺様も貧乏な手間仕事などを止めて、この家の人たちから情けをかけられ、一生安楽に暮らすことが出来たそうです. (陸中上閉伊郡) People say that the Old Man stopped the poor piecework and he could lead a pleasant life on the mercy of this family. (Rikuchu province Kamiheigun county) ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本「春の野路から」 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "A path through a field in spring" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio 昔話を絵本にしました. 参考文献: 日本の昔話 2005年10月25日36刷 柳田国男著 新潮文庫 初出: 「リトルプレス小豆A4」 2013年10月13日発行 電子書籍プラットフォーム「パブー」で公開した作品を加筆修正しました. パブーの閉店に際し、こちらに移植しました.
