


b386d55e-105f-435a-a219-1c0db51c0067 昔々ある所に、貧乏な一人の爺が住んでいました. 毎日毎日働いてやっと暮らしを立てていました. Once upon a time, there was a poor Old Man at a place. He worked everday and scraped a living. 28181002-a6ef-4e3f-b3f5-b5762e3a9af3 今日は卯月の八日だから、一日だけ家でゆっくりと休もうと思っていますと、また用が出来て外へ行かなければならぬことになりました. 折角買って置いた一升の酒を、徳利のままでぶら下げて、途中で飲もうと思って一人で出かけました. Today is 8 April of the Buddha's birthday; So, I'm going to take a rest all day at home. The Old Man thoght so. But he had to go out on an errand. He had bought a bottle of wine especially. He left home alone. And he was carrying the bottle in order to drink on the way. 5aae3abe-a87c-43dd-809c-0526461488ef 晴れ晴れとした良い天気で、野にも山にも色々の花が、咲きほこっているのでありました. 広い野原にさしかかって、天気は好し疲れもしたので、この辺で一杯やろうと思って、よいくらいの石に腰を掛けますと、足もとに一つの骸骨が転がっていました. これはこれは、どういう人の骨だか知らないが、ちょうどよい所だ. 俺は一人で飲むのはきらいだ.お前さんも一つ飲んで、この景色を見ながら一緒に楽しみましょうと言って、盃になみなみと一杯ついだ酒を、その骸骨に注ぎかけたそうです. そうして面白く歌などを歌って、ややしばらく遊んでから、そこを立って出かけました. It was very nice weather. And flowers were in full bloom at hills and fields. The Old Man came to a field. Then, he decided to drink because of the fine weather and tiredness. And he sat on a stone of good size. There was a skelton near his feet. He said: I don't know whose skelton you are; But it's a good timing; I dislike drinking alone; You drink too! Let's enjoy this landscape. And he poured a full cup of wine over the skelton. Singing songs joyfully, he took a rest for a while. After that, he left. f92e11f6-f4cc-4ec7-8115-048909b73c68 ところがこの爺が用を済ませて、その日の黄昏時に同じ野を通って帰って来ると、後から爺様ちょっと待ってと呼ぶ声がしました. 振り返ってみると、十七八の美しい姉様であったそうです. 今日はお前さんのお蔭で、ほんとうに嬉しい思いをしました. そのお礼を言いたい為に、帰って来られるのを待っていました. 私は三年前のこの月の二十八日に、この野原を通っていて急病で死んだ娘であります. 親たちは今に諸所方々を探していますが、縁が薄くてまだ見つけてくれず、昨日までは真に寂しく暮らしていました. 二十八日の法事の日には、何用を置いても是非もう一度ここへ来て、私と一緒に親の家へ行ってくださいと言ったそうです. The Old Man finished the errand. He came back to the same field in the twilight of the day. "Mr. Old Man, please wait for a moment!" someone said behind him. He turned back and saw a pretty girl of 17 or 18 years old. She said: Thanks to you, I could have a truly good time today; To express my thanks, I was waiting for you to come back; Three years ago, a girl was passing through this field on the 28th day of this month; And she died by a sudden illness; I am the Girl; My parents have still searched me; But they cannnot find out me due to our thin fate; Till yesterday, I stayed here lonesomely; My memorial Buddhist service will be performed on the 28th day of this month; Would you please come here again and go to my parents' house together! (つづく)
