
21632d77-87e9-4faf-88d4-de6cab5bd35d 大昔、竜宮の王様の御妃がお産の前になって、猿の肝が食べて見たいという、珍しい食好みをなされました. 竜王はどうかしてその望みをかなえて遣りたいものと、家来の亀を呼んで、何かよい考えはあるまいかと尋ねられました. Long long ago, the queen for the king of Dragon Palace was pregnant and her baby was nearly ready to be born. The queen showed a strange preference for food. She desired to eat a monkey's liver. King Dragon wanted to make her desire come true somehow. So, King Dragon called a Turtle of his vassals. And he said to the Turtle. "Do you have a good idea?" cb59af19-a6e2-4f6d-a96a-557fbb3c976c 亀は知恵のある者で、早速日本の島へ渡って来て、ある海岸の山に遊んでいる猿を見つけました. 猿さん猿さん竜宮へお客に行く気はないか、大きな山もあり御馳走はなんでもある. 行くならば僕が負うて行ってあげると言って、大きな背中を出して見せました. 猿はうっかりと、この亀の口車に乗って、嬉しがって竜宮見物に出かけました. 成るほど、かねて聞いていたよりも美しい御屋敷でありました. The Turtle was wise. Immediately, he swam to an island of Japan. And the Turtle found a Monkey playing at a hill near a beach. The Turtle said to the Monkey: Hey, Mr. Monkey! Would you like to visit to Dragon Palace? There is a big mountain; And any treat will be given; If you go, I will carry you on my back. And the Turtle showed his big hard shell to the Monkey. The Monkey carelessly believed this sweet talk. And he joyfully visited Dragon Palace. Really, it was more beautiful palace than that ever heard. 9bb632c7-21f5-4883-a46a-6d1a48e79327 中の御門の口に立って、亀の案内してくれるのを待っていますと、門番の海月が猿の顔を見て笑いました. 猿さんは何にも知らないな.竜王様の御妃がお産の前で猿の肝が食べたいと、おっしゃるのだ.それで君がお客に呼ばれて来ることになったのにと言いました. こいつは大変だと思いましたけれども、猿にも知恵があるので何食わぬ顔をしていますと、やがて亀が出て来て、さあこちらへと言いました. 亀さん僕は飛んでもないことをした.こんな天気模様なら持って来るのだったが、うちの山の木に肝を引っかけて、乾して置いて忘れて来た.雨が降りだしたら濡れるだろうと思って心配だと言いました. 何だ君は肝を置いて出て来たのか、それじゃもう一度取に行くより他はあるまいと、再び猿が背中に乗せて、元の海岸まで戻ってまいりました. そうすると、猿は大急ぎで上陸して、一番高い木の頂上に登って、知らん顔をして方々を見ています. 亀がビックリして猿くんどうしたと言うと、海中に山無し、身を離れて肝無しと言って笑いました. The Monkey was standing at an entrance of the inner gate. He was waiting for the Turtle, who would guide the Monkey around Dragon Palace. A Jellyfish of the gatekeeper laughingly looked at the Monkey's face. And the Jellyfish said, "Hey, Monkey! You know nothing. The queen of King Dragon hopes to eat monkey's liver before childbirth. So, you have come here for her guest." "I'm in trouble," the Monkey thought. But the Monkey was wise. And he pretended not to hear. Soon, the Turtle came out and said "Please come in!" The Monkey said: Mr. Turtle! I made a big mistake. If I had known this weather condition, I would have come here with my liver; But I hang out my liver on a branch of a tree in my hill; And I forgot it; If the rain begins to fall, my liver will be wet; I am worrying about that. The Turtle said: Oh! You forgot your liver, don't you? OK; We have no choice other than to go back for it. And the Turtle took the Monkey on the back again and returned to the beach where the Monkey had been. Then, the Monkey landed hastily and climbed the tallest tree. The Monkey looked around in all directions and ignored the Turtle. The Turtle surprisedly said "Hey, Mr. Monkey! What are you doing?" The Monkey laughingly replied "There is no mountain in the sea and there is no liver off the body." 89bec1e0-31aa-4326-9335-e2d0cb25432f これは竜宮で門口に待っているうちに、あのオシャベリの海月がしゃべったに相違ないと、亀は帰って来て竜王に訴えますと、けしからぬ奴ということで、皮は剥がれる.骨は皆抜かれる. とうとう今の海月の姿になってしまったのは、全くこの御喋りの罰だという事であります. The Turtle returned back to Dragon Palace. And the Turtle spoke to King Dragon. "I think that the talkative Jellyfish must have talked about our plan to the Monkey standing at the entrance." "The Jellyfish is too bad to forgive!" So, the Jellyfish was skinned and boned. People say that the present shape of jellyfish was caused by the panishment for this talk. ―― 奥付 ―― WEB絵本「海月骨無し」 絵・訳:茜町春彦 原作:柳田国男 A Picture Book : "No bone in jellyfish" Illustrated and translated by : Akanemachi Haruhiko Original author : Yanagida Kunio 昔話を絵本にしました. 参考文献: 日本の昔話 2005年10月25日36刷 柳田国男著 新潮文庫 初出: 「英訳昔話(海月骨無し)」2013年5月発行 電子書籍プラットフォーム「パブー」で公開した作品を加筆修正しました. パブーの閉店に際し、こちらに移植しました.
