『柿の葉より7句』"Persimmon's Leaves"


『柿の葉より7句』"Persimmon's Leaves"

feee1bd6-e23b-4ca9-b691-ac43114b6a71 風は何よりもさみしいとおもうすすきの穂 "Nothing is so lonely as the wind," the ears of pampas grass think. acdff839-4c05-480d-9004-904212a2f42e からむものがない蔓草の枯れている There is nothing to twine around, and so, a vine has withered. e62a1b38-05b9-44c5-97b1-f51541325511 歩くほかない草の実つけてもどるほかない I have no choice but to walk and I have no choice but to return with grass seeds. 2fda2175-fef5-41e9-8fd0-cb032e295b97 水に雲かげもおちつかせないものがある I feel anxious about the clouds reflected on a water surface. 20a73264-675d-498b-9d65-cc0401586119 鴉啼いたとて誰も来てはくれない A crow cawed. But nobody has come. 688985b0-5201-475c-9391-e21bef15c894 藪にいちにちの風がおさまると三日月 I had stayed in a thichet during the daytime. The wind died down and a crescent moon came out. 49f9381e-4775-442e-ad26-e60b3cf67c81 いつも出てくる蕗のとう出てきている Butterbur sprouts shoot up every spring. They are shooting up.
