


836d8ee0-8315-40ab-8586-9a3d415e92a9 ミミはオヤと思って辺りを見まわしました. 見ると、ミミは最前のまま湖のふちの草原に突っ伏して、花の鎖をしっかりと抱きしめながら眠っているのでした. 今迄のはスッカリ夢で、待っていたお月様は未だようように昇り掛けたばかりの所でした.そうして湖の水はやっぱり元の通り黒いままでした. ミミはワッとばかり泣き伏しました. 泣いて泣いて涙も声も無くなるほど泣きました.女王様の言葉を思い出しては泣き、ルルの顔を思い出しては泣き、ルルと抱き合って喜んだ時の嬉しさを思い出しては辺りを見まわしました. けれども辺りにルルの姿は見えませんでした. ただミミが花を摘んでしまった春の草が、涙のような露をいっぱいに溜めて月の光りを映しながら果てしも無くボウボウ茂っているばかりでした. それを見てミミはまた泣きつづけました. Memie wonderingly looked around. She found herself holding the flower chain tightly in the same state as a while ago. She was lying on the green in the lakeside. That was only a dream. And the moon, which she had waited for, was just about to rise. The lake was black as it was before. Memie burst into tears. She cried and cried until she exhausted tears and voice. She cried remembering the Queen's words. She cried remembering Ruroo's face. And she looked around remembering the happiness at the time when she pleasantly hugged Ruroo. However, Ruroo was nowhere to be seen. Only the spring grass, whose flowers were plucked by Memie, was growing thickly and endlessly with tears of dew reflecting the moonlight. Memie looked at it and went on crying again. 8623a521-c178-4b0f-9f5e-e390bb4fe7f1 そのうちにお月様は段々と空の真ん中に近づいて来ました.ミミも泣き止んで、そのお月様を仰ぎました. 「ああ、お月様.今まで見たのは夢でしょうか.どうぞ教えてくださいませ」 けれどもお月様は何の返事もなさいませんでした. Before long, the moon came up to the center of the sky little by little. Memie stopped crying and looked up to see the moon. "Ah, Luna! Please tell me if I have dreamed until now." But the moon made no answer. 552a45f4-53c8-40aa-941f-bfdf9209bfa7 ミミは涙を拭いて立ち上がりました. 露に濡れた草原を踏み分けて、お寺の方へ来ました. Memie dried her tears and stood up. Making her way through the wet grass with dew, she went to the temple. cfb8060b-70a9-4df0-b7c1-3152d2f203fb そうして鐘つき堂まで来ると、空高く月の光りに輝いている鐘を見上げました. 「あの鐘をついてみましょう.あの鐘が鳴ったなた睡蓮が教えた事は本当でしょう.湖の底の御殿もあるのでしょう.女王様のお言葉も本当でしょう.お兄様も本当にあそこで待っていらっしゃるでしょう・・・あの鐘を搗いてみましょう・・・」 ミミが搗いた鐘の音は大空高く高くお月様まで・・・野原を遠く遠く世界の果てまで・・・そうして湖の底深く女王様の耳まで届くくらい澄み渡って響きました.お寺の坊さんも、村の人々も、子供までも、みな目を覚ましたほど、美しい清らかな音が響き渡りました. Memie came to the bell tower. And she looked up to see the bell glittering with the moonlight in the sky. "I'll toll the bell! If the bell sounds, what the Water-lilies told to me is true, I think. The Palace is at the bottom of the lake, I think. The words of the Queen are true too, I think. My brother is truely waiting for me there, I think...... I'll toll the bell......" Memie tolled the bell. And it sounded so clear that the sound could get to the moon in the sky, to the end of the world beyond the green field and to the ears of the Queen in the deep bottom of the lake. It rang out so fine that the monks, the village people, the children and everyboby awoke. 46521a6c-e1e1-4862-aacf-313a53fabbb4 ミミは夢中になって喜びながら、お寺の鐘つき堂を駆け降りました. Memie ran down the bell tower in an ecstasy of delight. 80373987-e0b8-4100-a8c7-29e542402f94 「ああ・・・夢ではなかった.夢ではなかった.お兄様は本当に湖の底に待っていらっしゃる.私が来るのを待っていらっしゃる.ああ、嬉しい.ああ、嬉しい.私はもう本当にお兄様に会えます.そうして、もう二度と再び離れるような事はないのです.ああ、うれしい・・・」 こう言ううちに、ミミは最前の花の鎖の所まで駆け戻って来ました. "Ah...... That wasn't a dream..... That wasn't a dream. My brother is surely waiting for me at the bottom of the lake. He is waiting for me. Ah, I'm happy. Ah, I'm happy! I can surely see my brother. And we will never be apart again. Ah, I'm happy....." Saying so, Memie ran back to the flower chain at the place where she stayed a little while ago. (つづく)
