


3c82a5ae-9674-4852-a19d-d71c500bf2cf 白旗新聞店を出たのは、もう夕方であった. I left Shirahata newspaper sales agent. The evening had already come. b4d29f66-7139-464b-ba0c-f3c328f2c986 さていよいよ、そこを出はしたものの、出るだけで準備がまだ出来ていないうちに無理に追ん出されたのであるから、第一その行き場所がなかった上に、生憎と雨がドシャドシャと降り出したので、私は全く途方に暮れた. 松坂屋の入口の石畳の上にションボリ立って私は迷った.が、どう考えて見ても途がない. Finally, I left the agent. But I only quit. Before completing my preparations, I was expelled from there. I had nowhere to go. And then, heavy rain started to fall unluckily. So, I was at a loss what to do next. I was disappointedly standing on the stone pavement at the entrance of Matsuzakaya store. And I racked my brain. But I didn't get anywhere. f3e779f0-d14a-4f96-a470-fde93906540d やっと思い付いたのは、伊藤を通じて1,2度合ったことのある黒門町の救世軍小隊長の秋原さんを訪ねて、とにかく今夜一晩を泊めてもらおうということであった. I only just thought of an idea like this: I've met Mrs. Akihara once or twice through Mr. Ito; Mrs. Akihara is a lieutenant of the Salvation Army; Their platoon is in Kuromoncho town; I'll visit her and ask to stay at the place tonight. 7c59b6b0-7cd6-47a5-a10b-ad81da5608e0 傘がないので私は、着物の裾を端折って、低い日和下駄でピチャピチャと泥をはねながら家々の軒下を伝って小隊を訪ねた. I had no umbrella. I tucked up my skirt. And I walked on my sandals making mud splash. I went under the eaves of houses to the small base. 5adff826-9782-42eb-897e-88eb4b6184c7 水曜日か木曜日だった. いつもなら戸が閉まっているのだが、何か集会でもあるのか、電灯があかあかと輝いていた.人の集まっている気配であった. It was Wednesday or Thursday. The door was usually closed. But, for an assembly or something, the lamps were shining brightly. It appeared that people gathered there. b4d8b0b7-fc9b-4c29-bc8f-3ef9cbe34322 いささか気おくれがして、私は暫らく、その前に立ってためらっていた.が、いつまでもこうしてはいられぬので、思い切ってドアを開いて中に這入って行った. I felt some hesitation. For a while, I was standing in front of the door. But I couldn't keep on doing this. So, I opened the door with my courage and got in. 9975c37c-9b33-4251-94fd-803cebac54ca 30名近くの人がベンチに腰をかけていた. 前から2、3番目のベンチにかけていた伊藤は、いち早く私を見つけてやって来た. Nearly 30 people was sitting on the benches. Mr. Ito was sitting on the second or third bench from the front. He noticed me earlier than anyone else. And he came to me. fa174575-50df-43e7-a3a5-ab380ecc3633 とうとう出されたんです」と私は伊藤を見るなり言った. 伊藤は私を土間の隅の方へ連れて行って言った. 「話は後でゆっくり伺いましょう.今晩は神田の本営からK少佐が特別講演に来られてるので、臨時集会が開かれているんです.もうやがて始まるでしょう.いい所へ来ました.まあ掛けてお聞きなさい」 I noticed him. Immediately, I said "I was expelled in the end." Mr. Ito took me to a corner of the dirt floor and said like this: We can calmly talk about it later; Tonight, Major K has come here from the headquarters in Kanda town; He will give a special lecture to us; It will start soon; You've come at just the right time; Please take a seat and listen to the lecture! db3c265d-5fb0-4c99-b326-c79bfe483919 私は伊藤に案内されて婦人席の方に腰をおろした. 伊藤は小さい聖書と讃美歌集とを持って来て、その夜、講義されることになっている箇所を開けてくれた.そして自分はまた、元の席へと帰って行った. Mr. Ito led me to a women's bench. I sat on it. Mr. Ito fetched a small bible and a hymn book. He opened the bible to a page for me. We were going to be lectured on the page at that night. And he returned back to his seat. (つづく) ―― 付録 ―― 文子の家系図 2023b451-6d93-4076-a003-0fa6af0f5e67
