


ee9b3ab7-c857-4a35-9621-e31794d61e80 私は何だか、じっとしてはいられないような気がして来た. 何かしら私の頼るべきものがあって、それが私を手招きしているように私には思われた.そうして私は、何だか訳の分からぬ力に引きつけられて行くのであった. Somehow, I began feeling that I couldn't contain myself. I supposed there was something I should trust. And I felt it was beckoning me. So, I was drawn by the unaccountable power. c9a15ac7-215c-4b39-b2ea-8c24433cc4cd ふと気がついてみると、私はもう、小隊長の足もとにまで進んでいた. I suddenly realized I came to the feet of the lieutenant. 78074506-b68d-4e10-856a-9b8b244d6ff3 私は小隊長の脚下の床に突っ伏して、ただわけもなく泣いた. I put my head down on the floor at the lieutenant's feet. And I cried for no reason. 9fa557a5-9e41-4abc-bfa8-f1eeb5f1a60c 小隊長はまた「アーメン」と叫んで私の腕を握った. "Amen," the lieutenant shouted again and grasped my arm. f082a659-eb4f-476c-99b2-3dad4a13b799 そして私を抱き起して、いろいろのことを訊いた. 私は泣きじゃくりながら、問われるままに率直に答えた.小隊長はそれをいちいちノートに書き留めた. And then, the lieutenant lifted up me and asked questions. I went on crying and answered openly to her questions. She wrote down every one of my answers in her notebook. d9e7a30f-ada9-4b76-8d34-15d668e9abce それから「皆さん、救われた一人の姉妹のために祈って下さい」と自分がまず、跪いて声を震わせながら熱心に祈った. And then, the lieutenant said "Everybody! This sister has been saved. Please pray for her!" First, she earnestly prayed on her knees in a shaking voice. e0c7296a-5f84-4890-9016-41f31b9de8aa それに続いて、伊藤を初めほかのものも感謝の祈りをささげた. After that, Mr. Ito and the others prayed to God for their thanks. ab16e91a-c213-477f-a8bf-f941d335babf 酔えるものの如く私は感激していた. 一切の苦悩を忘れて、みんなと一緒に私も神を賛美していた.そうして私は、いつの間にかクリスチャンの仲間に入っているのであった. I was filled with emotion. I felt as if I got drunk. I forgot about all my agony. Along with the people, I was showing respect for God. And I joined the Christian group before I noticed it. (つづく)
