犀の背中 (A Stroll with a Rhino)

The one who can't see what's ahead is... me? Being told that, I look to see what's ahead. The lights of the old apartment illuminating the uneven winding alleyway. Those same lights illuminating cherry blossom trees, and the trunks and tops of other trees I don't even know the name of. Weeds at the base of the trees sway gently and rustle in the autumn night breeze. Indeed, until now I was looking at nothing but the coarse gray skin of the rhino's head, and just going along without catching so much as a glimpse of that scene. I've gone down this street tens, hundreds of times, and yet just by riding on the rhino's back, I'm probably noticing this view for the very first time. What the hell have I been looking at during all the other times I've walked on this road before?

