Sorin Tokyo vs Tokyo Squere.


Sorin Tokyo vs Tokyo Squere.

The referee throws the ball up, and Tokyo Squere wins the ball. The game begins, kira received, the ball, he hits the ball on the floor. Tof, tof, tof !!! Come towards me. He smiles, and says. -now I will, destroy you! I said. - it can come with everything! So, he gave me a big dribble, and He passed the ball, to his pivot, which was called Peter Pan. Pan jumps and dumps. Kira looks at me, and starts making fun of me. I smile, and say. the game is just beginning! He says yes. - Yes, I'll finish you! Then I catch the ball running, towards the basket And I did a crossover, in kira, I left it on the floor. And I take a Euro step, and I do it, the basket. Kira says. - nice move !. This duel will be a lot of fun. I said, yes for sure! Kira makes a play pretend to go, pass And it makes a big shot of three. Torch!!! I pass the ball to jin. Jin catches the ball, runs towards the basket, In front of you, the Kagami appears. He speaks, to Jin. - now I won't let you pass! Jin replies. - let's see if not. Jin pretends to shoot, and Take a fadeaway, and shoot. The ball falls straight into the basket. Kagami says it's great, fadeaway. Jin replies. - and I have a lot, bad in the manga. Kagami says he wants to see all of Jin's moves. Jin smiling. - I'll show you. Kira catches the ball, gives a pass to Kagami. He passes Jin and Floaters, and makes a Basket. Kagami tells Jin that he also has several cards up his sleeve. The duel is equal to equal! The crowd goes crazy. Huaaaaaaaa !!! And the game is 5 squere and 4 for agent. Sora tells me to pass it to him, I send it A coast pass. He gets dribbled, Ren, and from A dunk. He speaks to me is Jin. - I also want to participate, in this Just kidding, let's rock, they! (smiling) We respond. -Yes!!! Sora come on. End of chapter 3.
