The past of the toy continent.


The past of the toy continent.

Nananko and I stood with our mouths open when we heard this Name. Tinker Bell asked us, because agent, we were amazed Like this? Nananko and I, to disguise it, said that it was nothing. The nutcracker told agent to get in and out of the trip Long. We thank. We entered the nutcracker house, and lead soldier, upon entering. His house looked like a toy house. We all got our eyes shining in awe. O nutcracker, we told him to sit down and serve us, The food. We all didn't sit, and eat, a beautiful plate of food. Then he asked us, why did we come here. Nananko said that. -we came, behind the fragment of light, that is on 8 continents, for that We have to defeat the 8 Kings, to go To the black continent, defeat the leader Zorions And go back to land. He was amazed to know that we are from the land, and he spoke to us. - this is very dangerous, the 8 Kings are very strong, Zorion is the most dangerous of all! I said that. -I am not afraid of danger, I will face any Danger, I will go back to land, and I will marry Nananko, For I will face, any obstacle, I said the same thing to O Merlin. He asked, that we then met Merlin. Nananko and I said yes, he said, the way We're back. The nutcracker smiled at both of us, and said that we would help. Pan asked. - you are not the one with his right arms, the king of this Kingdom?! Nutcracker said yes, but he doesn't like this one King. Tinker asked why. He said that, this is not the real king, of the kingdom of toys. We were all amazed and asked. - as well?!!! Nutcracker said that 7 years ago it had a king Called a toy king, the toy king was fair and good. One day the king was betrayed by his direct embrace, Mr potato head. O Mr. potato head, he was evil and wicked, he just wanted power and Money. Then one day the potato head, I kidnap the king, taking For toy mountain. The toy queen was desperate, the potato head spoke If she wants, that her husband stays alive, she would have to marry With him. The queen with no choice, afraid to see her husband dead, agreed. One day the queen called the nutcracker who was the faithful squire From the queen, and ordered the nutcracker to be the ones arm of the New king, until we managed to save the toy king. The nutcracker, even not wanting to, agreed, for That he obeys, whatever queen asks. So he served, the new king, and the new king spoke to Him, command the toy forest. He obeyed, and started to live in the forest, with his son, until Today. The Nutcracker, finished us telling it. I got up, very angry at the potato head king. Nananko asked why he was angry. I answered. - I'm going now, kick your potato head butt, I I will find the king !!! Nananko, Pan Tink and a lead soldier, said that They would, too. The nutcracker came back to reinforce it, which is cool too, but we have, Take it easy. That there had to be a plan, why to enter the castle, With outsiders it is prohibited. And that if we enter, O 4 emperors toys, will We kill. They are serving the king, as if they were his right arm. So I asked. - but how are we going to get in In the castle? O nutcracker, we said that some get into a Secret passage, tomorrow night, that passage She to the king's castle. While others went to the mountain to meet the king. We met. The nutcracker said to sleep in your house. All 4 of us said, Yes. The girls went to shower, then we went Boys. It was already night, Nananko and I lay, together in a room, And I did. -i Nananko what did you think of this planet, Are you afraid, what are we going to face? She with a beautiful smile, answered me. - I thought there is, good and bad people Just like our planet, and it's not afraid Because she knows she is on the side of her future, Husband and is not afraid of anything, that together overcome All together, Keita. I also smiled and kissed her, and we slept. The next day. If we prepare, and leave for the castle, In search of the fragment, destroy the king and save O former king. End of chapter 6

