The rain of the memory


The rain of the memory

約束の日はいつも降る雨 傘さしていつも歩いていたね 雫が落ちて濡れた足下 それでも君は微笑んでいたね 本当のことを知ることもない君の心の声を 気付いた時はもういなかった… もう取り戻す事もできないね… I am sorry. Because it said "It can't live with."But, I was scared this happiness to disappear someday. あれからどのくらい経っただろう… 君はどこで笑っているのだろう… 雨が降る度に思い出す記憶 俺の想い届くならば どうかどうか君の元に… Thank you for meeting you really. I was terribly happy. It won't be able to meet you any more. But, if it can meet someday, I will want to laugh to each other. I don't have courage, and you are hurt, and I am sorry. But, it is late now. Say my actual feeling in the end. I loved you more than a heart….
