No matter what英詩


No matter what英詩

waiting and putting up with it is so hard and everything being denied is so hard i can't live the life without companions everything's fucked up, i can't get out of there but one day you appeared you understood my suffering you showed me my life wasn't wrong i thought i got out of the pain but it comes back again a loneliness beyond what i can measure i can't take this despair anymore all the pressure, the cold people keep me down but you showed me the worse the pain the brighter the happiness waits my life has just begun there's a light that holds me, smiles on me i've tasted a happiness i never felt before my weakness is going away what a wonderful world it's like a dream i didn't think it existed it was more than i could ever imagine i've finally arrived at the place called happiness it was a long, hard, rocky road but i see it in a new light no matter what, no more sadnessimage=189854660.jpg
